Lydia Foot

I am your gentle encourager + ultimate hype girl combo. I'm not afraid to ask the hard questions and make space for your emotions if it helps you move forward in faith. As your coach, I will sensitively and empathetically guide you to uncover forgotten dreams, gain fresh vision and usher in renewed hope.I’m blessed to live in a seaside town on the South Coast of England (UK), but thanks to the internet I work with people across the globe.I'm cheering for you!

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* all options include a FREE 20 minute discovery call to talk about the type of coaching I offer & whether it's right for you

For many years I have known the tension of feeling disappointment and wild expectancy, a heart that is both heavy and hopeful. I came to realise that it was possible to deeply feel the cycle of worldly disappointment and experience wild expectant hope that comes from knowing Jesus. It’s ok to feel heavy and hopeful at the same time. But, it can leave you weary. It left me weary. That’s when I realised I needed a coach, and with their help I began the journey of moving forward in faith despite adversity. Now, it’s my life passion to coach others to do the same.Over the last 10 years life has thrown a fair few curveballs but you’ll hear me say the phrase “the LORD is so kind!” often, because His compassion towards us is not swayed by our circumstances.I adore being a wife, sister, daughter, auntie, friend & coach - my people are my people.Pull up a chair, you’re so welcome here.

  • If you don’t know your next move or feel stuck in any area of your life, coaching can help you gain vision + clarity.

  • If you’re feeling the tension of both disappointment and wild expectancy, coaching will reassure you that you can make space for your emotions and still move forward despite their heaviness.

  • If you’ve been weighed down by the overwhelm of the day to day, coaching can help you rediscover the joy of living relationally with Jesus.

Our human nature makes it easy to focus on the outcome, and as a result it's possible to miss the beauty found in the process.Coaching is a process - it’s not an instant fix or an overnight mend. It’s soul work. It's a safe space where we open our hearts to the possibility of refinement, change and progression. By doing this, we allow room for fresh vision, we make space for renewed hope, we exchange defeat for confident assurance of who writes our story (God!) & we develop the ability to move forward in faith despite adversity.Often, breakthroughs do come, but sometimes they don’t happen on day one.